Open Source 3D Printers and Robots for Makers, Hackers and Enthusiasts
About Kitchissippi Robotics
Kitchissippi Robotics is a home for open source 3D printers and robotics designs. The main development is done in Canada’s National Capital region overlooking the Ottawa River. The name is derived from the original Algonquin word for “Great River” which was the original name for the Ottawa River.
We're Open
All Kitchissippi Robotics designs are currently released under the GPL. Additionally, we strive to keep our prototype 3D printers machines as RepRap compatible as possible.
Current Projects
We’re always working on something. Currently the main focus is on developing the K02 Gemini 3D printer which is a large-format dual-material printer, and the K03 Kitchissippi Delta 3D printer which is a scalable 3D printer uncommonly designed to be made from commonly available low cost components.. Check out the blog page for the most recent information about what we’re up to.
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Recent Blog Posts
Gemini Revised Z-Axis First Test Part
As I've discussed in my last couple of posts, I am redesigning the Z-Axis for the Gemini prototype. The 12mm rods are now doubled up on each side and I am working on a test assembly which uses single LM12UU bearing per rod. From an ideal perspective, I should probably...
Start of Revised Gemini Z Axis
In my last post I described some mistakes made in the Z axis design - particularly that I had not made a secure enough clamping setup on the LM12UU bearings and had also selected aluminum stock for the weight bearing arms that was not up to the task of supporting the...
Gemini Revision 3 Testing
After wiring everything up and running electronics and motion testing, I am happy with with general design of the corexy system and the hotend mounting. I ran the machine through some paces last night for several hours without any failures or signs of warping due to...