The latest test build of the second revision of the Gemini 3D printer is coming along well. Shown in this photo (sorry for the bad lighting) is the mounting of the fans (only one shown) along with the 24v power supply, motors and of course the Smoothieboard.
The print bed is not actually mount yet in this photo, it’s merely resting on the Z axis platform to ensure the design of the assembly is capable of supporting it’s weight – which it is.
One addition to note is the inclusion of the Z axis endstop switch at the top of the machine, beside the Z axis drive motor and the spring loaded adjustment screw on the moving platform. This will allow for easy fine-tuning of the print bed height.
I am looking at revising the parts that hold the Z axis smooth rods – there is a slight bit of wiggle room with the current design which has had the unintended result of causing some misalignment of the two 12mm rods. The result of this is that the platform is skewed at a slight angle. Additionally, getting the smooth rods in proper alignment with the drive motor is trickier than I would like.
I am looking into creating a single central part at the top of the Z axis with which to mount the Z motor, endstop and rods with side-clamping of the rods which should provide precise mounting of the rods.
There are a few more parts that need to be designed for mounting of the front power switch as well, so the next build picture have an improved and simpler to assemble Z axis, better wiring management and power controls.
Stay tuned for later this week!
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